role-playing games

blink dog mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: blink dog

Why bother with a blink dog miniature? While blink dogs aren’t the most common creatures encountered in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, they are far from the least commonly encountered either. They have a lot of potential for a creative dungeon master, and even dungeon masters who just follow published material as written will find […]

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larva mini for my D&D 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: larva

Why bother with a larva miniature? These little Fiends are not likely to be big players, but if your players are going to hell, you might well need one. The things are everywhere in the hells. It’s covered with larvae. They are the base of the power structure for both devils and demons. Imps and

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Photo of the otyugh miniature I use in my D&D 5E game

Focus on a D&D 5E miniature: otyugh

Why bother with an otyugh miniature? Otyughs have been around since the earliest days of Dungeons & Dragons and they are perennially popular. These Aberrations are not just popular with the team at Wizards of the Coast who writes adventures either (although they are certainly very popular with them), but also with dungeon masters and

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ki-rin miniature

Focus on a D&D 5E miniature: ki-rin

Why bother with a ki-rin miniature? Ki-rin are cool. There’s even a ki-rin on the cover of Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. Did it make the cover because Wizards of the Coast felt bad about taking away much of its usefulness? Maybe… Ki-rin have been popular among higher level players for quite some time

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ape mini that I use in my D&D game

Focus on a D&D 5E miniature: Ape

  What is this? I am starting a new video series, which will focus on minis which I own that I use to represent creatures from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. I have been collecting miniatures for years to represent creatures on battle mats. While it is easy to find miniatures for certain creatures, I

Focus on a D&D 5E miniature: Ape Read More »