
hezrou mini which I use in my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: hezrou

Why bother with a hezrou miniature? Hezrous are a pretty common Dungeons & Dragons 5E creature- surprisingly common for a demon. Usually you expect to find demons in the hells, but the hezrou apparently has more of a penchant for wandering than most of the other demons. What about this mini? This miniature, like the […]

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firbolg mini which I use in my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: druid

Why bother with a druid miniature? That’s an easy question for this one. You can never have too many druid miniatures. You need them for your players’ PC’s, because it is a very popular class. Druid NPC’s also figure prominently in most of the official published Dungeons & Dragons books. This is a funny one,

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kelpie mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: kelpie

Why bother with a kelpie miniature? Saying that 5th edition D&D doesn’t use kelpies much is an understatement. So why bother with a kelpie mini? Well, if you’re a dungeon master and you like European mythology, they are a fun addition. If not, they provide a rare opportunity to use a plant, although I genuinely

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wyvern mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: wyvern

Why bother with a wyvern miniature? Wyverns are a common baddie in Dungeons and Dragons, from 5E back to the beginnings. These Dragons are great for dungeon masters, because not only are they a great menace by themselves, but if that’s not scary enough they can have riders who work with the wyvern to ruin

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homunculus mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: homunculus

Why bother with a homunculus miniature? While homunculi aren’t particularly  dangerous foes, these Constructs are great for story elements, as other wizards may use them as spies. In addition, if you have any wizards in your party, they will probably want to get a homunculus once they gain access to the 6th level spell Create

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unicorn mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: unicorn

Why bother with a unicorn miniature? Unicorns make great plot elements for storylines, since evil creatures hate them and want their horns for their magical qualities. Plus, everyone likes a unicorn. These Celestials have been in Dungeons & Dragons since the beginning, and in mythology in the real world for thousands of years. There is

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zombie mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: zombie

Why bother with a zombie miniature? Zombies are incredibly common in Dungeons and Dragons games- these Undead are CR 1/4, so they’re perfect for low-level parties, and adding more makes them good for higher level parties as well. You never feel bad about killing them either, since they’re already dead. It’s a win:win baddie. What

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ogre mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: ogre

Why bother with an ogre miniature? Ogres are a common creature in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition games; they are small for Giants, but very big for humanoids, they get angry easily, and they tend to throw things when they get angry. Big things. Ogres have been used in D&D since the early days, and

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gargoyle mini for my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: gargoyle

Why bother with a gargoyle miniature? Gargoyles are pretty common in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition (as well as all of the earlier editions) for good reason. These Elementals are good at hiding, they can fly, they are hard to damage, and they are evil, evil creatures, who like causing pain because they find it

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