firbolg mini which I use in my Dungeons & Dragons 5E games

Focus on a D&D 5E mini: druid

Why bother with a druid miniature?

That’s an easy question for this one. You can never have too many druid miniatures. You need them for your players’ PC’s, because it is a very popular class. Druid NPC’s also figure prominently in most of the official published Dungeons & Dragons books. This is a funny one, like the bard, being both a PC class as well as a Humanoid NPC creature. You always need druid minis. Go ahead and buy some more, because you know that you want to.

What about this mini?

This miniature came from Oathsworn Miniatures, from their Sensible Shoes range: Firbolg druid #SS30. It’s a medium-sized base, which is the size that we expect a firbolg druid to be, so that makes me happy. I am a huge fan of Oathsworn Miniatures, and in particular of their Sensible Shoes range; they provide a lot of female miniatures which are dressed reasonably, instead of like a pinup model. I like them so much that I have bought all of their minis in that range. Their Burrows & Badgers range is nice as well, and I am slowly purchasing my way through that range also. They have really nice sculpts covering a lot of subjects that I am quite keen to get.

How useful is this mini, really?

Druids are included in 29 published Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition books:

29 books is a lot- that’s more than 2/3 of the official D&D books. You will definitely be running into druids as NPC’s, and in addition, your players will occasionally be needing druid minis when they choose to play a druid. Druids can easily turn themselves into all sorts of beasts, and that appeals to an awful lot of people out there. Not to mention the nature magic which they have access to. You can’t go wrong by having a mix of druid minis on hand. These are ridiculously popular.

But why are you doing this?

As usual for these videos, my aim is to provide good views of the miniatures featured and sizing information about them. As I already pointed out, the firbolg druid miniature is on a medium size base and that’s the correct size. I would like to also thank the wildlife artist Sherrie York, the best reduction linocut artist I know of, for kindly allowing me to use one of her reduction linocuts, Shivano Sunset, as the backdrop for my minis in the video.