Why bother with a zombie miniature?
Zombies are incredibly common in Dungeons and Dragons games- these Undead are CR 1/4, so they’re perfect for low-level parties, and adding more makes them good for higher level parties as well. You never feel bad about killing them either, since they’re already dead. It’s a win:win baddie.
What about this mini?
This unpainted miniature is another mini which I got from the Wizards of the Coast board game, Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft. I have already discussed what a great source of cheap miniatures these are in my earlier post/video about the skeleton, as well as the post/video about the gargoyle, which I also got out of this board game. More minis from this board game will certainly be coming in future. It is a medium sized base as it is meant to be, so it works like a charm.
How useful is this mini, really?
Zombies are included in 26 published Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition books:
- Acquisitions Incorporated
- Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus
- Curse Of Strahd
- Dragonlance: Shadow Of The Dragon Queen
- Explorer’s Guide To Wildemount
- Fizban’s Treasury Of Dragons
- Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
- Glory Of The Giants
- Guildmaster’s Guide To Ravnica
- Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel
- Keys From The Golden Vault
- Monster Manual
- Out Of The Abyss
- Phandelver And Below: The Shattered Obelisk
- Planescape: Adventures In The Multiverse
- Princes Of The Apocalypse
- Quests From The Infinite Staircase
- Tales From The Yawning Portal
- Tasha’s Cauldron Of Everything
- Tomb Of Annihilation
- Van Richten’s Guide To Ravenloft
- Vecna: Eve Of Ruin
- Volo’s Guide To Monsters
- Waterdeep: Dungeon Of The Mad Mage
- The Wild Beyond The Witchlight
- Xanathar’s Guide To Everything
That’s a lot of books. Zombies are used a lot in Dungeons & Dragons. If you’re playing the published campaigns, you will almost certainly need a zombie mini at some point, most likely sooner than later.
But why are you doing this?
As usual for these videos, my aim is to provide good views of the miniature and sizing information about it. As I already said, it’s a medium base size and that’s the correct size for a zombie. Also, as usual I want to thank wildlife artist Sherrie York, foremost authority on reduction linocuts, for kindly allowing me to use one of her pieces, Shivano Sunset, as the backdrop for the minis.